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Monday, May 31, 2010

Post # 28: Happy Memorial Day

TULLY says . . .
Be glad I'm "on call" this morning, Mom and Dad. Diva wanted to sing, "Oh, what a dew-ew-wy morning!" and wish you Happy May-Morial Day. I told her she could have some of my Cheerios tonight if she would let me write the A.M. Post, and she acquiesced. The Flying Pu Dog visited our patio during the night. Please come home and chase him away.

DIVA says . . .
Jeanie brought you a surprise! It's so pretty! Can you guess? Can you? Do you want a hint? Oh, I want to tell you but I can't! On our walk this afternoon we saw Dave. He put out lots and lots of garbage bags because he's been spring cleaning. Emmy's been cleaning, too. She stayed home with us all day! Mom and Dad, I miss you!

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