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Friday, May 14, 2010

Post # 11: Rain

TULLY says . . .
The incessant cold and wet is getting to us. We spent the day indoors—of course, we always do—but the dog sitter was underfoot all day, which isn't the same as spending a pleasant day with you, Mom and Dad. She curled up on the love seat and proceeded to snore through North by Northwest and Lolita. I don't understand the intrinsic value of classic films. I prefer commercial interruptions featuring dog food.

Thank you for your itinerary. We will study it carefully and wish you the speediest return possible to us.

DIVA says . . .
Hi, Mom and Dad! Emmy says you're in Liz-bun. Is that anything like a cinnamon bun? Yum! This morning on our walk we met Len and Abby again. And we met a big dog, a Pit Bull-Beagle mix named Fiona. Fiona is so friendly! My feet got wet this afternoon. Your feet must be wet all the time, Mom and Dad, since you're on an ocean.

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